
an attitude of rational curiosity

The following resources are written within the discipline of spiritual practice education. They track some of the insights and understandings I have gained as I have continued to engage in the sacred work of being human. The resources are offered for readers to reflect upon within the light of their belief system.

— Kaye Twining

Resource Kaye Resource Kaye

Walking the land: contemplatively exploring our inner landscape, discovering and integrating our shadow-side, towards being the change we want to see in the world

Is western culture currently experiencing a symbolic knock at the door, calling forth deep structural change to the way we live together? If so, it will take more than a tinkering at the edges. It will take a transformation of the deeply held assumptions which orientate our personal and collective way of being-in-the-world. How can we each participate in such a transformation?

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Resource Kaye Resource Kaye

The gentle art of conscious grieving

Every one of us will experience loss at some time in our lives and in turn, we will all experience grief. The emotions of grief arrive unbidden and often catch us off guard. Therefore, grief is usually judged as a negative experience;  an experience to be toughed out. And yet, grief is a natural and healthy response to loss. So how do we actively grieve the many expected and unexpected losses we encounter throughout our lifetimes? 

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