MA Essay: A Beginner’s Guide to Bernard Lonergan’s Method in Theology


The question is posed: “Is Bernard Lonergan’s Method in Theology merely relevant for the halls of academia?” In other words, is the study and application of Lonergan’s method solely the prerogative of theologians? Theologians, who write and publish books which other theologians read, critique and then publish their own findings. Theologians, who lecture student theologians within theological institutions; students who one day hope to become theologians! If, as Lonergan asserts, the Method is actually a universal pattern of human consciousness, why is it imprisoned within the academic institution? Why not bring Lonergan’s Method to life in the local faith community? It is these questions which have prompted the writing of this book.


MA Essay: The question of God’s grace in a face of woundedness: a theological reflection


MA Thesis: The contribution of a spiritual director to the spiritual journey of a person diagnosed with bipolar disorder