Evolution as context

The creative dance of being and becoming is the evolutionary context in which individuals, cultures, and planet Earth lives, moves, and has their being.

The creative dance of being and becoming is the evolutionary context in which individuals, cultures, and planet Earth lives, moves, and has their being.

Evolution is a context for the dynamic process of surviving, adapting, and flourishing in response to a present historical moment, one moment nestled within the greater whole of Life itself. Therefore, evolution is not linear or mechanical in intent, but rather involves an ongoing creative dance of being and becoming in relation to a given set of conditions. Such a creative dance of being and becoming sits within both the lived experience of the past, and the yet to be future. The creative dance of being and becoming is the evolutionary context in which individuals, cultures, and planet Earth lives, moves, and has their being.

Note: “lives, moves, and has their being” is from Epimenides of Crete. Epimenides was a Cretan poet/philosopher who lived ca. 600 BC (Google search engine). The Apostle Paul quoted the phrase in the Christian sacred text: Acts 17:28

Climate emergency
We are currently living within a certain set of conditions, conditions which have given rise to a climate emergency. While climate change is part of the evolutionary process it would seem that our techno-industrialized way of living has created such rapid climate change, that it is difficult for us to adapt our lifestyles. How do we survive this climate emergency? As well as new technologies, education, and financial commitments, our era is calling for us to reimagine a new Western cultural identity, a new identity beyond individualism. Individualism gave rise to a values system that sought the flourishing of the individual, or elite groups of individuals, over and above all else. Such an identity and values system are no longer tenable!

The good news
In terms of reimagining a new Western cultural identity, earlier pioneers of collective inner change have offered a new founding principle on which to generate a new cultural identity. The principle is: interconnectedness via unity with diversity. Drawing from such a principle we can each know ourselves as unique beings in our own right, who are also intrinsically connected and responsible to a vast web of relationships, both human and non-human. A new identity founded on interconnectedness via unity with diversity will give rise to a new values system, a values system geared toward the flourishing of all life on planet Earth. Such a new values system will automatically guide and change the way we act within and upon our world.


Don’t be a cane toad!


What does spirituality have to do with climate change?